Don’t Dig Up in Doubt What You Planted in Faith (Week 15 MKMMA)

It been a very intense, fast paced, full few weeks at home, with our extra cold weather, and the holidays.

The last 2 weeks of posts, if I’m honest with myself, were less than satisfying to write. It’s what I had the time/energy resources to simply crank out, a last minute summary of how things were going. Highlights from the course I’d been chewing on. Requirement met. But not nearly as fulfilling and enjoyable to write as those posts in previous weeks that have practically written themselves.

It was a lovely break from school, filled with visits with family, baking projects, lazy pajama days, time playing outside when it wasn’t crazy cold, T getting called in to work a “fair amount”, craft projects, days when the 3 littles had major cabin fever, adjusted nap & bedtime schedules, more dishes & laundry than usual, a trip to the local North Pole, fun movies at home, a lot of illness 😦 towards the end, and a couple home improvement projects.

With the days as full as they were, I had to rely heavily on routine & habits established during the first 14 weeks of MKE to carry me through.

I started gaining more clarity around my DMP and PPNs, somewhat through process of elimination, and somewhat through conversations with other people, and finding inspiration from them.

The Flash Cards have been life savers! They are easy and fast to fit in throughout the day in tiny increments of opportunity, yet the continuity in linking they offer is profound.

The areas I fell behind (like the weekly service, for instance) instead of dwelling on that, I let it go and picked up again when I could rather than beating myself up over it or trying to play “catch up” & giving into overwhelm. I had the a-ha that the service I had chosen for 11/19 was too complex and a “bigger bite” than I really should have committed to, so I’m breaking it down into realistic pieces for success! So freeing!!

Also- my dad gifted both D and A really cool magnifying glasses and A a compass! To my knowledge, he isn’t aware the significance that both of those items have to me relating to MKE. When the kids opened their gifts, my jaw dropped. Integrated reminders and connections that I had no active part in!

I also won a drawing for Blue Tansy essential oil on a friend of mine’s Facebook group. I was not familiar with Blue Tansy at all. Reading this page though, I felt a very tangible buzzing sensation course through my entire body! So exciting! My friend even said she prayed before doing each drawing that God would connect the right person with the oil being drawn for.

This course, the people I’ve connected with through it, the mindset shifts happening…have all been life changing and incredible. I can feel the shift on a daily basis. The change in me is changing my relationships as well, for the better. When I find myself slipping and identify old blueprint type reactions happening, it is easier for me to more quickly identify and “re route”.

Has it been easy so far? No

Has it been worth it? Resoundingly YES!

I’m looking forward to 2018 and 40, and all the good that will be happening between now and December!

5 thoughts on “Don’t Dig Up in Doubt What You Planted in Faith (Week 15 MKMMA)

  1. Hi Sarah! First of all, I love your about me section! You are an awesome writer and I love that you may be a cunchy mom…. I had to google that … OKay , yes , very cool, I am venturing into crunchy territory as well!
    I love your week 15 blog how it practically wrote itself, how you forgave yourself for taking to big of a bite and the pics of your family! So awesome of you to open your heart and share a little piece of your life with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I LOVED your blog this week!! Such an enjoyable read 🙂 I am so delighted that things are coming together for you and that your are more clear on your PPN’s.
    That Blue Tansy oil sounds Amazing, Wow!! Every word made so much sense. I must try and get my hands on some too!!

    Liked by 2 people

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